Catch Obama’s Inauguration on ESPN

Yeah, you read that title correctly.  The Worldwide Leader in Sports will have live coverage of Barack Obama’s inauguration on SportsCenter next Tuesday January 20th:

Not much sports-worthy in seeing John Roberts tell Obama to put his left hand on the Bible, raise his right hand, and repeat after me.  I would have to assume that most of the people that want to watch that will be doing so on the broadcast networks, the cable news networks, C-SPAN, PBS, I think BET is showing it, and you get my point.  Indeed, there are probably those that were hoping to settle into ESPN and the like next Tuesday to avoid wall-to-wall history in the making.  That having been said, the other programming content is a good idea, an appropriate platform for putting together momentous occassions in sports history pertaining to race and race relations.  And the vignettes from black athletes reflecting on Obama becoming President could be interesting.  But I’m just not sure about the need to dispatch Jeremy Schaap to Capitol Hill for live programming Inauguration Day.

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